Women's Ministry
Together we can make a impact
Women's Ministries is the ministry of all women in the church. Whether single, married, widowed or divorced, educated or uneducated, career women or housewives each with their own unique problems, stress, hurts, talents and insights. Each woman in our congregation has personal needs to be met by God, and each has a ministry to be given to God.
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The reason for Women's Ministry is threefold
Prayer, Missions, and Ministry.
This ministry was founded by the Assemblies of God in 1925. Another area of ministry for Women's Ministry is its auxiliary "Girl's Club (formerly Missionettes)"
Distinctive Emblem
The open heart symbolizes women's inherent openness to the challenge of human needs. As the words Women's Ministries flow from the emblem, so does love and compassion flow from the heart of women. Women's Ministries comprises of women who care about the needs of the world.
Scripture Verse: Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10, NIV).
Women's Ministries members have not only caring hearts, but also sharing hands.